
Chapter forty-three.


“Good heavens, Arne!" The wail escaped my lips once I caught sight of his bloody hands.

"What happened to you? How did you get injured? Didn't I tell you to not touch anything?” I bombarded him with questions as I rushed towards him to check his injury.

My sharp tone and questions only made him flinch in fear and I immediately felt bad. I quickly took him to the bathroom and placed his hands under cool running water, fortunately the cut was not that deep or long. When all the blood was washed off, I took him back to the office and dried his hands with a towel.

“How did you cut yourself?” I asked in a softer tone while I took care of his wound.

He sniffled, “Sorry mom, I got bored and began touching your stuff on the table." His voice was riddled with guilt.

I sighed as I wrapped his injury with a bandage and pulled him to sit on the chair. “It’s okay sweetheart, you are going to be fine. I shouldn't have let you stay here without supervision and you should have listened to mumm
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