
Chapter 135 Take off Her Clothes, or Skin Her

“No. Your people said that before. I just guess…” Shi Baojin opened her mouth and tried to argue.

Mo Junyang gave her choices. “Tell me, or have a living death.”

Or rather there was no choice for her.

Shi Baojin looked at Mo Junyang in fear and explained, jabbering, “It’s not me. I have never planned to harm Shi Qingxue. You must…”

She attempted to struggle, but Mo Junyang lost his last patience and said to the man next to him, “Find several beggars to take off her clothes.”

After giving the order, Mo Junyang showed a rare smile and looked at Shi Baojin gently. “This is the game we didn’t finish last time. You must be expecting it, right?”

His smile was like the summons of the demon in hell.

Shi Baojin was frightened and didn’t come back to her senses until several dirty and ugly beggars were brought into the prison. She screamed and waved her arms crazily, shouting, “No. Go away. Get out.”

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