
a picnic

I thought we would maintain a trot, but soon, Lothar jerked the reins and Manny took off. I shrieked in shock. I was not scared, just surprised. I grabbed his forearms because he did not give me any heads-up. He had the audacity to laugh. My face twisted into a dark scowl.

“You should have warned me” I snapped before I could stop myself, and I regretted it immediately. I wasn't just talking to my mate, but I was also speaking to the alpha king, but he responded with a laugh.

“And then I wouldn't have heard you scream, or you wouldn't have grabbed my arms. That would have spoiled the whole fun”

I blushed and quickly took my hands off his arms before holding on to the reins with him.

“Where are we going?” I asked as the scenery began to change. Before we were running in a forest, but after passing through the forest edge, we were in a beautiful meadow. I could hear the sound of running water.

“Just ahead” he responded as he made the course slow down to a trot

I couldn't hear the guards
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