
Playing With Horny Women(3)

Looking through the mob of horny women, my body shivers as I can see them masturbating intensely while about 50 of them are walking toward me.

Fuck! What should I do now?

The number of women walking toward me now is around 50, and I won't be able to do anything to them if they surround me.....

[You don't have to move away from them, they will stop right in front of you.] Myra assures me. B…but fuck! She's not to be trusted.

Hearing Myra's words, I feast my eyes on all the women's bodies, looking for my second victim…

Suddenly, my eyes land on a serpent woman who is among the women standing right in front of me.

Then, my face begins to form a wide grin. A lot of serpent women have scared the shit out of me in the past, and it's my turn to pay back.

Serpent women's upper bodies are just like humans' own, while the remainder of their bodies below the abdomen is that of a serpent… They can change into a human form if they like, but they'll stick to their nature rather than mimicking
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