
Chapter 67 I’m looking forward to your baby

Alisha’s POV

As my bite delivered a hint of retribution through Archie's lips, a flicker of pain traced his features. It was a triumph that surged within me, a small victory amidst this scripted performance. I anticipated loosening my grip, disentangling myself from this farcical embrace. But somehow, Archie's eyes locked onto mine, with something I was unable to tell. Then regardless of the pain from my bite, he closed his eyes and intensified the kiss even more. The kiss mixed with pain and insistence pierced through my senses, casting a veil over the complexities that defined us. A mingling taste of blood painted our lips. I forgot where I was, forgot all the complications between Archie and me, and got lost in the kiss. In that suspended moment, the world retreated, leaving just him and me, caught in the undertow of our shared memories-Archie kissed me on our wedding ceremony for the first time. It was a kiss on the precipice, at the crossroads of bitterness and forgo
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