
chapter 117


When I open my eyes the next morning, I feel better. Physically stronger and much more refreshed—but mentally, I’m still worried and anxious. That moment last night with Dare and Archer was a nice break from reality, and was exactly what I needed to let go of my swirling emotions and thoughts for a short time. But in the harsh light of day, that bit of peace feels like it was ages ago.

Too bad I can’t just have sex with my mates all day, every day. Life would feel infinitely easier that way.

Archer is gone, and Dare is on watch beside the bed when I wake up. He’s clearly been awake a while—his messy black hair is still wet from a shower, he’s wearing clean clothes, and he’s clutching a steaming mug of coffee.

“Did I explode?” I ask him, my voice a mumble with my cheek pressed against the pillow.

He shakes his head. “Archer saw your scars go black late in the night, but otherwise, you slept peacefully.”

I push away from the mattress and sit up to shove my tangled mess of blonde h
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