
chapter 82


For a long, interminable moment, my uncle and I stare at each other, neither of us moving.

Hell, I’m hardly even breathing while I try desperately not to fall into my old habits. I am not afraid of this man anymore. I will not bow to him or show him any weakness. I’m not hiding any longer. And right now, he looks like a coward, weak and incapable with his aged body crumpled and bloody beneath my shifters.

Suddenly, Clint laughs, a wild and maniacal sound that sends a shiver racing up my spine. I’ve never heard him sound so unhinged. His laugh echoes off the landscape around us, and the echo only makes him sound crazier. He turns his head and spits blood on the ground.

“They told me I was insane,” he says, almost as if to himself rather than to us. “Told me I couldn’t do it. And look at you. It worked.”

Dare and Archer step in closer to me as if to hide me from his sight, even as I’m trying to see around them.

“What worked?” I snap.

“Might as well let her pass, boys.” Clint leers
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