
Cruel Fate

It took Diana a good five-minute sprint before she reached the area. As she became closer and closer to her target place where Soleyah and the others were, the snowy ground she traveled past was littered with broken trees and bushes.

What stood out for her were the remnant footprints on the snowy ground!

There were wolf prints and a massive unidentified print that brought Diana’s heart into a frenzy.

‘This is not good.’

Diana’s wolf howled, begging to be let go. It was agitated by something Diana did not know.

Clearly, the closer she was to the location, the greater the damage the area was.

Next, there were scattered remnants of blood. Sniffing the air, Diana immediately recognized the bright red blood. A frown cracked her grim face when she smelled the dark-colored blood.

‘Shananel, what have you done? You really dared to mess with the natural order of the world? Are you not afraid of the gods and the goddesses who created us? Damn, what were you thinking?’

Diana screamed her questio
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