
The Crimson Moon Pack's Stand

“Alexander,” greeted Soleyah to the man who was only clad in his shorts. It took her a few seconds to peel her gaze from his broad chest. She looked straight into his eyes, thoroughly reminding herself that she was no longer his ‘little sister’. She was his equal—an alpha female by birthright.


Alexander’s deep voice that called his name made Soleyah focus her gaze on his sensual lips. She could not help but remember those nights when she screamed in pleasure from those lips of his. Shaking her head, she cleared her throat and asked. “What’s the matter? Are you going to stop me again?”

“Will you even listen if I do?” Helplessness flashed beneath his crimson eyes as he stared at her. “I am here to ask you one more time, will you come with me? The Werewolf Committee is not your main concern. I can help you rebuild your strength as an alpha in your pack.”

Soleyah sneered. Gone was the desire in her heart, replaced with disappointment and anger. “You are wasting your time.
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