
Things We Carry Should Lift Us Up

“They are looking for the Pandora’s Box,” said Dylan. He sat on his office chair with his upper three buttons open. His white polo shirt perfectly fit his body and his long hair was now tied in a rough knot. He had to tuck a few loose hairs behind his ears to stop them from smothering his cheeks.

It took everything in Diana not to growl as she thought. ‘Damn. That piece of hot alpha is mine.’

Shaking her head, Diana mentally slapped herself. She needed to tone down her libido or she could swear that her mate might get her pregnant the second time around.


Diana stood before Dylan. The carven table in between them, a safe distance, or else they would turn themselves in like wolves who were in an inexperienced rut. She immediately picked up the crumpled letter before she glanced at the email from Dylan’s laptop.

“Shananel is being desperate. She needs to finalize the tally.” Diana twirled the crumpled letter between her fingers right after smoothening it. “Who is on her side? Who
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