
Cat and mouse

Cat and Mouse


I stepped past Langdon, and walked the rest of the way down the hall, entering the large open seating area the pack used for meetings. About a hundred wolves were already milling around with more coming in.

Making my way towards the serving station, I was startled to find Calla-wearing an outfit very similar to mine.

My nervousness increased.

Calla hadn't seen me yet. After adding two more drinks to an already full tray, she spun around and stopped in her tracks. Her eyes narrowed to slits as they slowly drifted down my body and back up again. Her lips were pursed into a thin line of distaste. The longer she stared as if she knew something I didn't, or she was trying to figure something out -the more anxious I became.

After another long beat of silence, I'd had enough and snapped, "What are you looking at?"

Her lip curled into a sneer and her nose wrinkled as if the smell of me disgusted her. "I'm looking at nothing...absolutely nothing," she spat, lifting her ch
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