
main side story Chapter 19


I looked at Alex as he lay down on the bed with blood flowing out from his left hand so badly

"oh my God, oh my goodness Alex what happened to your hand, what happened to you are you OK, where are you coming from?" I asked so quickly not even noticing that I started crying already

"I was shot Ali" he said faintly and I cried the more

"no no... You were what? How... When.... Where?.. Alex..." I cried bitterly as I knelt close to him and held his hand

"I was shot Ali" he said softly as I held his cheeks

"but how...... How... Did this happen to you" I said looking at him as he shut his eyes due to the pain

"OK... OK... We need to get you to the hospital" I said crying as he shook his head negatively

"no... No. Ali. I can't go to the hospital" he said and I looked at him surprisingly

"you... What are you saying Alex, you are loosing blood please let's go to the hospital" I said crying my eyes out, it hurts to see him this way

Alexander's pov

"no.. I really can't go to the hos
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