
Chapter 34 A Talk with Jasper


Just like Caden predicted, Jasper came to see me that night. The door to my small, dimly lit room creaked open, and there he stood, looking wary and cautious. In his hand, he held a plate of cheesy bread, my favorite.

The sight of it, coupled with the intense events of the past few days, made my heart ache with nostalgia and confusion.

Jasper approached slowly, his eyes scanning the room before settling on me. “I thought you might like this,” he said, offering the plate.

I accepted it with a small smile, but the burning question in my mind couldn't be ignored.

“Are you the one who shot the Lycan King?” I asked, my voice betraying the whirlwind of emotions I felt.

His reaction was immediate. “What? How do you know about that? Who told you?” His eyes widened with a mix of surprise and fear, his body tensing as if ready to spring into action.

“Does it matter?” I replied, watching him closely.

Jasper’s shoulders slumped slightly, and he shook his head. “No, I guess it doesn
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