
Chapter 51


I woke up to the sun's blinding shine.

I sat up and glanced over at Carter's side of the bed and he wasn't there.

He hadn't come back to the room last night after he'd stormed out and I felt some type of way about it. I wasn't sure how to feel, if I was being honest. On one hand I was happy for the quiet that came with the morning. It gave me ample time to reflect on last night's events, and on the other hand, I was sad. Sad because I had said some harsh words to him last night. Honestly,I didn't regret any of them. They were the truth. He was using me and whether or not he cared about me was inconsequential especially since he was so adamant about pleasing his mother. He was getting more and more ridiculous.

How could he expect me to be okay with these chains of events?

Did he not realize I had a heart and marrying me against my will too? What the hell was that? Were we in some kind of twisted fairytale?

I stretched in my bed and stood up, put in my fuzzy slippers and went
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