


Due to some urgent business, I ended up canceling my meeting with Beatrice, and after returning to London, I found that she was upset with me, probably for this same reason. I tried calling her and sending messages, but Beatrice didn't answer any of the times and didn't respond to my messages either. I was feeling worried because I was enjoying her company, and I felt that our relationship was strengthening a little more with each passing day.

Now, everything has changed, and it seems like we're back to square one. On Saturday night, I ended up agreeing to go out to dinner with an old friend with whom I share a great friendship. When I arrive at the restaurant, I see Beatrice's ex-husband, Edward Maddock. That worsened my mood, which wasn't the best to begin with.

"Do you know Maddock personally?" Justin Campbell, with whom I attended college at Oxford, asks.

His concern is not unfounded, after all, Maddock couldn't take his eyes off my table, which was starting to irritate me.
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