
chapter 11

The silver moonlight was shining on the Moonlit Meadow, which stretched out in front of them. This was a place where fates crossed and secrets were told on the night breeze. Amelia stood next to Ethan. As he looked for answers in the moonlight, her eyes sparkled like the moon.

"I have to tell you something," she said in a soft voice that was full of worry.

Ethan turned to her with a combination of excitement and worry in his heart. "Amelia, what is it?"

She took a deep breath and didn't take her eyes off of him. "I'm not who you're thinking I am."

His brows wrinkled, and he looked confused. "What exactly do you mean?"

The touch of Amelia's fingers on his cheek sent shivers down his spine. "My real name is Amara, and I'm not like other women. I'm a guardian sent to watch over you by the Moon Goddess herself."

Ethan blinked and tried to figure out what she said. "A watchman? Why?"

Amelia—no, Amara—let out a sigh. Because you are unique, Ethan. The Moon Goddess picked you for a reason that goes beyond being a soul mate. She could tell that you were strong, tough, and able to change the future of our kind.

Ethan's mind was spinning. He had always thought that he was just a normal werewolf, nothing more. But now, as he stood in the Moonlit Meadow, he felt the weight of fate pressing down on him.

He asked with a hint of irritation in his voice, "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

Amara's eyes showed her sadness. "I wanted to, but I first needed to make sure you could trust me. And I needed to know how you felt about me, not just as your guardian but also as someone who cares deeply about you."

Ethan couldn't deny the link he felt with her, which was getting stronger every day. But he couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was being used and that invisible forces were running his life.

Before he could answer, there was a noise in the close woods. Both of them turned to look at Gabriel, whose face showed both purpose and sorrow.

"Ethan," Gabriel said in an honest tone, "I made a mistake. I should have never turned you down. I want to make things right because I love you."

Gabriel's words hurt Ethan's heart, which was broken between the past and the present, between what Amara had said and Gabriel's request. His feelings were all over the place as he looked at them both.

Amara put her hand on his arm and looked into his eyes. "Ethan, it's up to you. You can accept your fate and the love you have right now, or you can think about the past. But don't forget that the Moon Goddess picked you for a reason."

Gabriel moved closer to Ethan and put out his hand to touch the boy's cheek. "Ethan, I'll fight for you. No matter what you decide, I'll always be here, ready to show that I can be the partner you deserve."

Destiny and love danced together in a complicated way in the choices that Ethan had to make. As the moon hung low in the night sky, its light showed Ethan where to go, but it was his heart that would lead him in the end.

Ethan's heart was beating fast as he stood in the Moonlit Meadow between the two people who held his heart in their hands.

Amara's eyes never left his, and her look was like a pool of comforting light. "Ethan, remember what you told me about letting go of the past and accepting the future. We were brought together by the Moon Goddess for a reason, and now it's time to trust her plan."

Gabriel's hands got tighter around Ethan's cheek, and his eyes got more desperate. "Ethan, I can't change the past, but I can offer you a loving future. I will do anything to make you happy."

Time seemed to be in the balance, and then Ethan spoke with a steady, firm voice that came from a lot of deep thought. "Amara, I trust that the Moon Goddess has a plan and that she sent you to help me. But Gabriel, your refusal hurt me very much, and it will take a long time for those wounds to heal."

Amara nodded to show that she understood and looked at Ethan with pride for the man he was becoming.

Gabriel swallowed hard, and the tears in his eyes glistened. "Don't worry, Ethan. I'll wait as long as necessary."

Ethan reached out and took Gabriel's hand, feeling the warmth of their link come back. "Then we'll slowly start over. And Amara, I want you to stay by my side, not just as my defender but also as someone I care deeply about."

Amara's smile looked like a partial moon breaking through the clouds. "Every step of the way, Ethan, I'll be there for you."

As Ethan, Gabriel, and Amara stood together in the Moonlit Meadow, their paths seemed to merge into a fate that was unique to each of them.

But just when everything seemed perfect, a low growl echoed through the night, and a group of rogue werewolves with evil eyes came out of the darkness.

Ethan's feelings told him to step in front of Amara and Gabriel to protect them, so he did. The fight that followed was hard and cruel, and it showed how strong and united they were.

As the dust cleared and the rogue werewolves ran away, the three stood there as the winners, their bond having been strengthened by the fight.

But they had to pay for their success. Gabriel was hurt. A cut on his shoulder was leaking blood.

Ethan ran to him with worry written all over his face. "Gabriel, you look like you're hurt!"

Gabriel gave a weak smile. "As long as I have you, I'll be fine."

Amara looked at both of them and felt a sense of happiness. The Moon Goddess's plan was in motion, and love had shown its strength in the face of danger and doubt.

As the moon hung high above them and shined its kind light on them, Ethan, Gabriel, and Amara welcomed the night, ready to face whatever difficulties their linked fates held.

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