


“Girl chill.” I say smiling

“The only thing that’s chilling is the bottle of whine we are popping right now.” She says as the waitress strolls towards us with a bottle of wine in a bucket.

I blame Liam. Now I can’t but narrate everything that went down. I blush recollecting our date especially the part where all we did was gaze at the stars in silence for God knows how long.

“Someone’s blushing. This is not the Cara that strolled in month’s back. This is a whole new one and I like her better. With the way Mr Johnson is going, we just might be hearing wedding bells very soon.”

“Slow down Veronica! The walls have ears and he hasn’t even asked me out yet.”

“I don’t care. I want the whole of Ireland to hear. Knowing my boss, he likes to cut to the chase. He might just skip that part and ask you to marry him.”

“I’m out.” I say dragging my chair out from the table.

“If you dare stand up from that seat, I'll chop off your legs and feed them to my bunnies.”

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