
Chapter Seventy-Nine

Asthenia. (as-THEE-nee-uh) Weakness; lack of energy and strength.

That had been one of the words she'd learned while helping Marissa study for a medical terminology exam one evening. It also perfectly described her situation. 

This is such bullshit. There was a pregnant woman shackled in their basement, and neither one of them has bothered to come down here and check on her. She had heard them stomping around upstairs, along with the sound of their voices on the other side of the door. It had been over forty-eight hours without food or waterthe third daylight since she'd arrived here. How long could she go without eating? A week or two? She tried not to think about the time dragging by because she knew it was far less time that a person could survive without water. Her muscles felt too weak to move a

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