
Rekindling The Father-Daughter Fake Bond

After some few days, Mr Croydon finally arrived at home. Everyone in the family was around to welcome him back. Immediately he stepped into the house, they walked to him with cake.

"Welcome back father" one of his daughter said. Another one pop a bottle of champagne.

He smiled and nodded his head.

"Thank you. Thank you very much" he said and tightened his grip around Michelle's hand. Michelle understood what he wanted. She immediately walked with him up the stairs.

Everyone just watched him leave. He entered his room and sat down, groaning.

"You should have some rest father" she said.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks to you" he said.

Michelle smiled.

"Thank you father, for getting batter. The doctor will be here tomorrow to check on you" she said.

"I assume you saw the news" he said.

"What news?" She asked, wearing a confused look.


The next minute, she was staring at Mr Croydon's tablet.

She was breathing hard, with her fist tightened. She was angry.

"How could he do suc
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