
Ring in her finger

Charlotte's pov

Was Tyler's drunk? What almost came over him? The moment he stood up and said he had to thank someone he had recently met and who had changed his life. I almost dug the ground to bury myself. He was so direct that everyone was waiting for him to complete his statement. What if he had called my name? I could see how Blenda adjusted her eyes and everyone immediately kept quiet. It was as if I was about to have a heart attack. What would I have done or to tell Ava or how can I stand in front of her when she hears about our affair?

It was in my new room that Tyler had given me when these thoughts couldn’t leave me. Tyler also showed Ava her beautiful room and he didn't say anything about Blenda's room.

I was sitting down on my brand new bed and I was so angry that I left the house just as everyone was leaving when the party came to an end yesterday. Ava left with her boyfriend and I saw Blenda leaving in the hand of a man I have not seen before. Until I received Tyl
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