

“Let us make a deal,” Kale said smirking evilly. “I will trade Justin for your mother.”

“Hey!” Justin quickly added as the four of them went into laughter.

“You cannot cook. I need someone that can.” Kale rolled her eyes as Miles chuckled. 

Angela liked being around people other than her parents. The environment was lively and free. She needed to be around people. She savored and enjoyed it. This was now her most favorite thing in the world. 

The discussion was cut short when Robert and Isabella came into the living room. Everyone’s anxiousness became high. They settled down on their seats, facing the children. 

Miles, Justin, and Kale hoped they would agree to help them because they needed comfy shelter and food while Angela hoped her parents would help them because it’ll be so much fun having them around.

People to talk to, play with, and hang out with. If that happened, she would be the happiest lone surviving princess on earth or maybe the only lone surviving princess. 

“I and my wife have discussed this issue and we have come to a conclusion,” Robert said as Isabella nodded. The kids’ anxiety had risen to the highest point. They were scared their hearts would jump out of their chests if he didn’t talk on time. “Our conclusion is that…” Why is father making this full of suspense? Angela asked herself taking deep breaths every now and then to give her the liberty to handle the pressure. “…we will help them.”

Everyone shouted in praise, hugging each other. Even Kale had a giant smile on her face. Miles hugged Angela so tightly, she was afraid she would pop like bubble gum. 

“You. Are. Squeezing. Me,” Angela said in a strained voice even though she liked it in a way.

“Oh sorry,” Miles apologized pulling himself away from her, chuckling nervously.

That is the second time he is saying that. Angela thought laughing. 

Robert gave Miles another suspicious look but it was more defined than the others and this was making Miles get…scared. Was this what he was going to handle in this house?

“That is not all,” Isabella said as everyone cooled down and faced her. Angela loved it when her mother smiled. She loved it when anyone smiled but her mother’s smile was special and pretty. Her mother had cheesy dimples that made her look prettier even at her aging age. “They are staying with us.”

Angela and the bandits were no more pacing around happily. They had settled down. They were relaxing and enjoying the comfort of their new home. Miles was especially happy because he could now see his angel every day. Justin was glad ‘cause he didn’t have to worry about taking care of Miles and Kale again while Kale was glad because she would get to eat delicious food anytime and every day. 

They didn’t believe life could get better for them. They believed life was at its best.

“What is for lunch?” Kale said gladly expecting the best.

She was waiting to hear the name of a delicious snack. Maybe lemon pies or crunchy potato wedges or even better, milk and cookies. 

“I was going for the onion broth.” Kale’s facial expression changed from excited to disgusted. Of all the delicious food in the world, it was the onion broth she wanted to make. “But since you are here I will go for some blueberry muffins.”

Kale squealed in excitement as she ran over to Isabella, hugging her tightly. The scene was a big surprise to everyone that knew Kale for being mean, rude, and a thorn on the side but here she was, hugging someone with the biggest smile ever. 

Kale recoded herself and moved back as her smile disappeared. 

“I mean thank you…ma.” Kale pouted as Isabella patted her head and headed for the kitchen. 

“Who knew Kale could be so nice?” Angela said as Kale threw her a frown.

Angela knew now that Kale was a sweetheart but her parents’ death was a real downfall on her path. She was glad Kale was getting back to her normal self. She liked the nice and sweet Kale but it would take some time to reshape her to her normal self. 

Miles faced her, waiting for her to say something. 

“Should I show you around?” Angela asked looking at everyone’s faces.

Kale was about to nod but Isabella came in with a tray of two big chocolate chip muffins. Kale took her nod back and collected the tray from Isabella, thanking her. 

“I thought you might like a little treat before lunch,” Isabella said with a smug smile on her face.

She loved seeing children smile. It always brought joy to her heart. 

“I love it. Thank you so much Mrs…” Kale went into thought trying to guess her surname.

“Mrs. Bells, but do not worry you can call me Isabella.”

Kale nodded, skipping back to her seat with two large muffins in her hands. 

“Are you coming Kale?” Angela asked watching Kale eat up the muffins.

Kale’s eyes turned to her. She wasted no time in answering.

“No, I think I will stay here and eat,” Kale said with a mouthful of soft muffins.

Angela understood. Kale loved the food. Especially her real mother’s cooking but Angela’s mother’s cooking was amazing. Nothing could beat it. 

“About you Justin?” Miles asked. He didn’t want Justin to come with him so he could be alone with Angela for a while. “Are you coming?”

Justin was already asleep on the soft chair. Miles laughed lowly. He is even asleep. He thought happily. He turned to Angela who was beginning to get giddy. 

“Shall we?” Miles stood up and stretched his palm towards her. 

Angela liked everything about Miles. She would have mistaken him for a prince if not for his outfit. She nodded, taking his hand as they headed outside. The air was cool and outside was breezy. 

Angela enjoyed being in the outdoors. The singing of birds, the rustling of trees, and the sounds of insects filled the environment. The touch of air on their skin was spiky but yet, refreshing.  

The sounds mixed to form a simple but beautiful harmony. It was a melodious sound to her ear. 

“What do you want to show me first?” Miles asked as she held his hand and took him somewhere. 

They were going to the back of their house. What could be at the back of their house? Miles was anxious to know. When they got there, they met a tall wooden fence. He wondered what was behind the tall wooden fence. Must be something interesting. Miles thought. 

 Angela gave him a quick look before opening it and leading him inside. 

He didn’t believe what he saw. He was not very surprised but the size of everything was fascinating. He was surprised to see a farm and a barn of animals. Crops like wheat, maize, potato, tomato, onions, mushrooms, and other crops were planted in the vast land provided for them. 

They had cows, goats, chickens, and pigs. They looked fat, well-fed, and satisfied. The chickens were laying eggs now and then. Everything looked like it was going well for the Bells. They had food and once there’s food, there’s comfort.

They didn’t need money at all because everything was at their disposal. All they needed was to come to their farm, collect a few things, and make some delicious food. 

“Whoa,” Miles exclaimed looking more and more at the farm.

The farm and barn were not very big but it was jam-packed and there were a lot of things planted and kept inside. 

The tomatoes and everything else they planted looked fat, juicy, and nice. The plants were healthy. Miles saw this as paradise. Nothing but paradise. He had never seen something as beautiful as this in his entire life. 

“This place is my favorite place in the world,” Angela said as Miles held her hand tighter. 

He looked into her eyes. “Now I know why this place is truly amazing.”

Touching her alone was making him feel happy. Being with her had only brought him nothing but joy. If not for her, he and the rest would still be living in the horrible hut, starving and dreading winter. She truly was an angel. 

“Where do you get water for the plants and animals?” Miles asked.

Angela’s smile grew bigger as they walked out of the farm.

“Do not worry I will show you soon but first I need to show you something else.” She shone her eyes at him. The effects of that on him were like the greatest charms. “Come,” she added as they walked out of the barn. 

Together both of them walked further away from the house to their next destination. Miles was ready for any surprise Angela threw at him. Energy surged through him like water being poured into a jar. 

He had never felt so happy in his entire life. Angela was his source of joy and she’ll always be his joy to him, now and forever. He never wanted to leave her sight. He would spare his life for her any day and any time.  

She was like a precious gem that needed to be kept away from the thieves and greedy humans of the world. He wanted her, only her and he would make sure he will do everything in his power to get her because…she was the love of his life.

But he barely even knew her. He just met her a day ago and he was already falling for her. Was that right? 

Angela felt so happy with him. He was the icy sugar added to her life. She blessed the day she met him because it was the day her eyes opened to see that there was something more than the small little hut she lived in and the barn she called her world. 

She wanted to see the world, explore it, and visit places she had never reached. Miles had given her this courage. She would embrace it. She will get the chance to see the world when she’s on her way to restoring Prestoria. 

She remembered. How would she be able to tell Miles and the rest about who she was? They might not believe her but still, she wanted to tell them so they could come with her on her journey but that will mean putting their life in danger. 

She didn’t want their life to be in danger but yet, she wanted to be around them during her whole journey. Time will tell. 

Miles did not recognize the path they were following at all. He had never reached the depths of Tyle forest but it seemed Angela knew the place well. She lived all her life in Tyle forest. She should know it more than she knew anywhere else. If she knows anywhere else.

There was a small stream in front of them. It was barely a stream because it was low. It was so low, someone could walk across it without getting their legs wet. Only their feet would be wet. No matter how short the person would be, they could avoid getting wet. 

Angela removed her slippers and carried them. She walked across the stream. When she got to the other side she wore her slippers back. 

“Your turn!” Angela said as Miles licked his lips. He did what Angela did. “Be careful the rocks are slippery!”

“What?!” Miles asked unable to hear what Angela said. 

He removed his slippers and tried walking across the stream. He slipped on one of the rocks, landing straight on his butt. 

Angela couldn’t help but laugh but she was also worried.

“Miles, are you okay!” She wanted to go and help him out.

“No do not come I can handle it.” He stood up and walked more gently till he got to the other side.

“So sorry Miles.” 

“No worries, it was not your fault. Where were we?” Miles was lying. The pain he was feeling in his butt was immense but he hoped he could walk it off. “When are we going to get there?”

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