


Pain radiated through my abdomen, and down my legs as my body convulsed, followed by the sound of water trickling to the floor. My waters had broken.

What happened after that seem to all happen in a flurry of activity.

Getting out of Castle Black and to the little cottage in the woods had been no easy feat. Especially due to the miserable weather still pouring down outside.

By the time Lucille had found Estelle, Alexander was already by my side. And doing his best to move me from the castle to our planned birthing place. His arms wrapped around my back, and holding me up through each contraction as it hit. The journey was uncomfortable and generally miserable.

And by the time we reached the little cottage, what had started out as light contractions ever so often, quickly changed to contractions every few minutes, and I knew the time had come to start pushing. And whilst my body begged to start doing so, I held back with everything within me.

“I’m not ready for this Ale
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Brianna Desrosiers
Love this book, been waiting for an update, hope we get one soon this was such a cliffhanger
goodnovel comment avatar
do you know when you will update again?
goodnovel comment avatar
We are now at the half way point in the story! I hope you are all enjoying so far... KM x

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