
Chapter 0005

“Sirius?!” My heart is practically beating out of my chest. I can’t breathe, staring into his eyes, I know. I know it’s him. He turns to me a blank look on his face.

The silence in the room creeps over me, and I slowly look around the room. Every mafia member is staring at me, with tension in their necks, awaiting the command of their king. I almost believe I’ve misspoken as I watch the King’s jaw click. “Elise.”

“Oh my god!” I take a step back, looking him over. He looks just like he did in high school, but buffed up and toned, no longer lean and boyish. He’s a full man now.

“When I told you to stay away from here, I meant it. Earring or not.”

“These were…you cannot tell me what to do, Sirius.” He tilts his head to the side, looking me over. “You gave these to me…before you…”

“I know, earring or not. Do not come back up here. Stay away from the mafia.” His voice is ice-cold and distant. He starts to walk away from me, and I almost leap out of my skin following him.

“Do not speak to me like that, not after what you did. You abandoned me, and now you dismiss me.”

“We both know what really happened back then, don’t act like you don’t know. Do not make me into some villain.”

“No, but you are heartless. You leave without a word. You disappear, then you come back and ignore me as if we were nothing. As if you didn’t even—” My words get caught in my chest as if I am about to cry, but Sirius turns sharply towards me, heat rising in his eyes.

“Once. I had a heart once, but now when I tell you to do something, you listen, Elise, and that’s final.” Sirius speaks lowly in my face, his voice feathers over me. “Now leave.” My eyes cannot help but flicker at his lips, but I immediately take a step back when he licks them.

“No. Just because you say jump, d-does not mean I say how high Sirius.” I can hear the click of a gun, and Sirius doesn’t even move as he watches my actions. I raise my hands up and grit my teeth, “I guess you won’t even let me say thank you before killing me, huh? ”

“Lower your weapons, no one is allowed to point a gun at her ever.” I put my hands down slowly, my anger and grief swirling into panic as he turns to leave again.

“If I mean so little to you, why are you still wearing your ring?” The branching ring with a single ruby was a part of a promise ring set Sirius and I had brought when were silly and in love. My ring is in my jewelry bag, hidden so Alston won’t find it and ask questions.

“For sentimental reasons. I engraved it with something to remind me of the past.” He looks down at the ring longingly before snapping his eyes to my naked hands. “Where is your ring?”

“I lost it years ago.” I don’t know why I lie or what I try to hide, but I know I can’t let him think anything can happen between us. He just nods sharply, not letting any emotions pass over his face.

A throat clears in the background, and the tension in the room deflates slightly at the fakely bubbly voice of Mr. Thompson. He stands between Sirius and me a sharp look in his eyes. “Is everything okay here?”

“Just a conversation,” Sirius responds evenly, his eyes not leaving mine.

Mr.Thompson gives an empty chuckle, “Ah yes, I had to have a conversation with this employee multiple times. She is lazy. She constantly elicits complaints for her promiscuity and irresponsible nature.” He turns to me, hard eyes in his eyes, raising his voice, “Elise, I told you one more time.”

“Mr.Thompson, this isn’t what it looks.” I begin, but he puts a hand in my face silencing me.

“No, no, the time has come Elise you have embarrassed yourself in front of the King. You have constantly caused problems. You are the most terrible waitress I have ever had the displeasure of managing--” Sirius clocks his gun, placing the barrel against the back of Mr.Thompson’s head and he freezes.

“No, no, continue your rant with a gun to your head.”

“Sir, I was just firing insubordinate who was causing you trouble.” Mr.Thompson raises his hands up shakily.

“Do you think of me as a damsel in need of saving, Thompson?”

“Absolutely not sir.”

“So why would I need you to come to my rescue?”

“Sir, she has been a terrible employee, and I think--”

“I do not care what you think. One more insult at her, and I am blowing your fucking brain across this room, understand?” Mr.Thompson nods slowly. “Good.” Sirius puts his gun away, and I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“Is this what you do all day? Threaten people’s lives?”

“No normally I am not protecting my ex-girlfriend.” Sirius tucks the gun in his waistband, shrugging at Elise. “Where even is he?”

“What are you talking about, Sirius?” He walks closer to me a teasing smile on his lips.

“Where is your boyfriend? Why is he not here to step in during every crisis, like I am?” Sirius stands a breath away from me, and from his tone, I can tell he is taunting me, that he wants a rise out of me. For a second, I want to smile at his boyish ways. His jealousy-fueled mockery reminds me of my Sirius.

“My relationship with Alston has nothing to do with you!” I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes dip to my chest, but his eyes narrow, looking at me just as quickly.

“I thought you were dating my brother Lester?”

“No, he is like a brother to me.”

He chuckles. “It would kill him to hear you say that.”

“Why would you think I was with Lester?”

“I never would have guessed Alston because he is such a good guy. Taking down major corporations, defending the little guy. I thought you liked your guys with a little edge to them.” Sirius shrugs, a carefree look in his eyes.

“You used to be a good guy.” Sirius flashes his million-dollar smile that makes my knees weaken.

“I was never a good guy, you just always saw the good in me.” Sirius’s voice is barely above a whisper, causing shivers down my spine. Alston was good. After Sirius went missing, Alston pursued me and when Lester was severely injured, Alston was the one who gathered most of the money for the medical expenses alongside me.

His good deeds made me fall for him. He was always saving the day, and knowing that he was my personal superhero made me feel secure, supported, and loved. Most importantly, she never felt like he would abandon her. “I agreed to be his girlfriend because he makes me feel safe, Sirius, physically and emotionally.”

Sirius’s eyes widen and the careless smile on his face fizzles out. I want to reach up and cup his face. I want to tell him that despite moving on he was my first, I have never been crazy, or stupid in love with anyone else. It’s only been him.

“Thompson, leave.” Sirius doesn’t break eye contact with me as Mr.Thompson scurries to leave, but before he can make his grand escape, “I want your office cleared out by the morning.”

“What?” Mr.Thompson slows, looking over his shoulder, shock across his face.

“Elise will be the new owner, effective in the morning.”

Simultaneously Mr.Thompson and I both look at Sirius as if he has lost his mind, screaming, “What? Why?”

“Because Alston is not the only person who can make you feel safe, Elise.”

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