


“How’s she Dani?” I inquired standing at my garage, situated beside the luxuriously huge building, trying to decide which of my motorbikes to use.

Danielle had come to meet me there. “She’s getting better. Just needs more sleep and rest.” She patted my shoulder.

“You never really told me how you met her.”

I shrugged, momentarily forgetting about bikes and going out to pay focus to her.

“Just in the most unusual way possible.”

“So, she’s like Tasha?” She asked.

“No, she’s…wait, how do you know there’s a Tasha?” I quirked a puzzled brow.

She merely laughed. “Hey, who’s your buddy again?”

A puzzled smile spread my lips.

“But I can't remember telling you about her.”

“Not directly,but most times I'm always there when she calls. Well not always, mostly there. And she’s one clingy woman.”

I walked out the garage into the garden taking small strolls with Danielle around my compound.

“Forget about Tasha. It’s over, that's all in the past now.” A small frown etched my forehead.

I ha
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