
Why was Tikka calling me?


Ariel's POV

Amidst the music playing in the evening, I received the other seven customers. I wrote it down so I won't forget. Some people just love crazy combinations of food. How can you suddenly order Ramen and Rice Krispies? Like who does that? I stared at the old-looking woman. She was looking pale and haggard. More in a poor condition.


But I felt pity for her. Where are her children?

Does she even have one? Those questions ran across my mind. She doesn't look like she has a family. She smiled at me and I returned the smile. I feel sorry for her though. She was in her old age with no one to take care of her.

"You look pretty." She said to me.

"Thank you, ma'am," I muttered to her. She reminded me of my grandmother. I wish she is still alive. She compliments me every single day telling me how I looked like my mother. Though I have never seen my mother and father before. She used to tell me that my hair was like that of my dad's. Gosh! I wish I could see them and see h
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