

"Shush!" Bethany placed a finger to her lips and signalled her to remain quiet. " Joanna, we're just outside the CEO's office. Do you want to attract Mr. Meyer to come out and see your nasty behaviour and hear your filthy words?”

Joanna froze on hearing and quickly composed herself as she said softly, "Just you wait, Bethany, we're not done with this!"

She had always thought that Bethany was just an ordinary woman. However, the past few days have shown her a different side of this weak woman.

"Great, bring it on!" Bethany replied calmly and walked past her towards the elevator.

Once she was back at the design department, those rumour mongers had already cleared their workspace and left.

The others looked at Bethany differently and became more respectful. They could not help but change their attitude towards her, as not only could she remove those troublemakers, but she also took over Joanna's position!

Bethany did not care that the designers maintained a distance from her.
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