
Alpha Vicker In Distress


It was past midnight and I was pacing up and down in my room because Whitney didn't come back home yesterday evening after she told Philip that she was going for a walk.

I had earlier lay on my bed but couldn't sleep. For over two hours, I tossed and turned in bed as I wondered what happened to her and where she could be.

Even though I have only known Whitney for some months, to a large extent, I know her personality and can predict her actions in different circumstances.

That she would just leave the house and go somewhere without telling me is unlike her. So, I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me that something was awfully wrong.

How could she be missing? Where could she have gone to? A voice in my head was telling me that she has been kidnapped cos I see no reason why she would run away from home.

But if she is actually kidnapped, who would kidnap an innocent young girl like Whitney? To make matter worse, she is heavily pregnant.

I was deeply troubled
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