
Whitney Gets Acquainted With Alpha Vicker


I was woken by the sound of the doorbell. I glanced at the wall clock. The time was 9:15 p.m.

My eyes were still heavy as I sat up and yawned. Who could it be? I wondered. Suddenly, it struck me that it was Alpha Vicker cos the maids said he usually comes home from work by 8 pm.

I got out of bed and walked sluggishly to the door. I opened the door and saw Alpha Vicker standing in front of me and we made contact. Instantly, the heaviness in my eyes disappeared and my eyes swept over him.

His hair was wet and his skin was looking fresh and glowing. I could smell the pleasant scent of his body. It was obvious that he just had a shower.

He was wearing a white singlet and blue shorts. The singlet revealed his huge muscular arms and I couldn't help gazing at them. On his feet were a pair of blue slippers.

Gosh! He is such an adonis. How I wish I can run my hands over his biceps.

I realized I was swooning over him and my face faintly flushed with embarrass
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