
Chapter 2

I run out of the building, tears still streaming down my face. I can still picture Andrew's cold reaction. I can still see him and Becca in my bed. I feel my heart pounding, fighting to escape my chest. I cannot think straight.

I can feel a hand on my shoulder.

“Miss megra?” “Are you okay?”

I lift my face to see Matthew, the security guard, staring at me. Worry is written all over him.

I look around, and people have surrounded me.

The security guard stretches his hand to help me up. I must have been so distraught that I sat down on the curb.

"Can you call me a taxi, Matthew?" I ask, wiping away my tears. He shakes his head and brings me back to the lobby.

The cab ride is silent, and I am left to my thoughts. How can I be so blind and naive? When Becca introduced me to Andrew, I wondered why the two had not gotten together. I always wondered why he chose me over her; she was undeniably gorgeous. I now have my answer. I was being played. I was the fool in this story. The amateur p**n I had just witnessed now fueled my anger. I feel used and stupid. I have no one to turn to. I need to escape my painful reality.

In the hotel, I run our relationship through my mind, playing it scene by scene. Was I wrong to fall in love? Did I do something that made Andrew want someone else? Every memory feels like a cut. Every thought feels heavy. I cannot breathe. My heart is racing. Am I having a heart attack? Is this what betrayal feels like? My legs are weak and heavy. I grab my chest and let out a loud scream, hoping for relief, but none comes.

I walk about the room, downing the mini-bottle of vodka. Dangerous ideas are running through my mind. My mind is shifting from sadness to anger. I can't keep staying in this room, feeling depressed and alone. I won't spend the rest of the night focusing on what could have been. I can't keep focusing on my heartbreak. I need to do something to forget what this day has become. I need to feel something else. I need a distraction.

“Fuck being sad.”

I drunkenly rifle through my bags and retrieve the little black dress that can make every woman feel sexy. I need to feel something else.

Walking into the club, I feel a difference in myself. Even though the pain is still fresh, I am no longer the joyful, loving, doe-eyed Megra Adams. I am Megra Alexandria, a lady scorned and willing to bring about trouble.

“A Manhattan, please,” I call out, catching the bartender's attention and throwing him a few flirty glances.

I need excitement. I need the numbness to go away, but the night feels dull. The club is filled with constant reminders of Andrew from the men who approach me with their distasteful conversations. Four drinks and three disappointing encounters later, I need a break.

As I walk to the restroom, I slip, distracted by my thoughts, and fail to see the damp floor. A strong hand grips my waist just before I touch the ground, keeping me steady. Everything seems to slow down. My body is leaning into his. I lift my gaze and meet with the deepest, darkest eyes. His curly hair, chiseled face, and thick, dark eyebrows—I can feel the strength in his hands. Maybe it's the drinks in my system, but he is a Greek god who climbed down Mt.Olympus to make my night.

"Are you alright?" His concern is evident in his voice.

"I doubt it, but thank you," I reply, unable to tear my eyes away from him. His hands are tight around me. I can feel his breath on my cheek.

My body betrays me. My nipples tighten as my chest rubs against his. He looks delectable. Maybe this is just what I need. Only for tonight. I want to put my hands all over him. I want him to make me forget.

As if reading my thoughts, he takes my hand, placing it on his chest. I trace his hand, lightly savoring the moment. His hand moves up from my waist to my back, pulling me closer.

I can feel his breath in my ear. I let out a soft moan.

"Are you drunk?" he whispers in my ear. Even his voice is sexy.

"Maybe," I reply, my thoughts foggy, but I don't care. As I stare at his devilishness, I am ready to give myself to him.

He slowly runs his hands across my body before reaching for my hand and guiding me out of the bathroom. The rest of the night was a blur, but I was happy with all the attention I was getting.

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