
61. Taken

I open my eyes to the unfamiliar room, with dusts and cobwebs all over the place. I sit up immediately and wipe the cobwebs off my face, where the hell am I?

The events that happened earlier seems to replay in my head- after having a good time with Jared , the masked men sneaked up on me through my window and threatened to burn down the pack house if i refuse to go to them to wherever.

I had no other choice but to agree and everything went blank after the injected me with something that made me unconscious. I thought that it was Wilford that sent them to get me, then how come that I was put in this abandoned room?

I am not taking any chances, I stand up and walk towards to the door quietly. I have to find out where I am to be sure if there is any possibility that I can escape this hellhole. I open the door, it creaks as I draw it back and I peek my head out to observe how my surroundings are.

The room that I am in is located in a dark passage hall, there are other empty doors along the
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