
Chp 285 - How Hard?

Toria returned to Cyprus the day after the event.

Their parents and Maureen left soon enough as well.

The excitement of the discovery got Reyona in a frenzy for the next few days as she wanted everything to be perfect for her babies upon their arrival.

She was glad that she still didn’t know their genders yet, but the fact that she had two lives growing inside her was more than she could have ever hoped for.

For eight years, she had tamped down her needs for a family just because of a man who was not worth it.

Her thirtieth birthday had been marred by the realisation that she was growing older.

She was even beginning to think that she might never be able to change the mind of the man she had thought was her lifelong partner.

She had pushed aside all that she had ever wanted, all for someone she shouldn’t have ever given the time of the day.

She would probably have gone all her life not fulfilling the dreams she had always had as a child.

To have a family of her own.

She had always wan
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