
Chapter 64- The Search for Levi

Ruth’s POV

“Where is he?” I struggle to keep my demoness side in check as she tries to emerge from my seething anger. How dare Levi just vanish like that! Typical demon reaction to run away when things get tough for them.

So maybe some of my anger is bubbling up because of old wounds from when my mother abandoned me the first chance she got. That doesn’t matter right now! Levi fucked up and he deserves to feel my wrath, even if it is not all because of him.

The two receptionists jumped from their seats the moment I burst out of Levi’s office, they now stand in front of me clutching their hands to their chests, fear wafting off of them in waves. My demoness sniffs the air in pleasure, licking her chops in my mind.

‘Hungry Bitch, cool it before you cause them to have a heartache before they can answer my question.’ My demoness pouts, but pulls herself back from the forefront of my mind.

I turn my attentin back to the useless women behind the receptionist desk. Maybe now Levi will allow
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