


I step onto the ring and all around me, everyone quieten down to a hush. A gentle breeze picks up and blows at my hair, sending a few stray strands to dance around my eyes.

Dance…yes. This is only a dance, I tell myself. Except it is a dance of blades.

Baldy makes his way to the ring and takes his stance opposite me. He winks at me and licks his lips in the most obscene of ways. Maybe I should aim for his tongue first.

I tuck the strands of hair behind my ear and stretch out my right hand in front of me with the blade held tight. The tip gleams under the sunlight, and the sun’s reflection momentarily blinds me causing me to stagger back slightly.

This elicits a laugh from Baldy. “Sweetheart, why don’t you just give up? You can’t even stand straight!”

A few of the men start to laugh and for some reason, a drop of uneasiness penetrates me. The memory of my failure in

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