

Colin’s pov,

Colin sighed relieved after his phone call with Alpha Vlad. Somehow, he convinced him to extend Vanessa’s time to a month. He made up that she needed time to grieve Julietta’s dead and that he needed the extra time to take over her pack duties. Vlad believed him as soon as he started complaining about the fragility of women. It was kind of ironic because if only Vlad knew that Vanessa was anything but fragile.

Over the next couple of weeks, Colin was busier than ever. With the new collaboration with the Russians came a lot of work and his whole pack had been working their asses off. He had sent his little brother Gary to keep an eye on Vanessa though. He just wanted to make sure she didn’t get herself in trouble in the meantime. He did not expect her to just lay low and wait for the marking day to come.

Colin was checking some cargo that needed to go to Russia when Gary stormed in all red and flustered. Colin raised his eyebrow at his brother that looked like an overenthu
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