
95. (Luke POV)

The silence in the office was almost a physical entity, thick and smothering, filled with tension that neither of us could articulate. My wolf prowled restlessly within me, its growls a ceaseless litany of disapproval and unease. Every fiber was screaming that Lexi shouldn't be out without us, not after what she'd been through. I looked at Clay, who seemed lost in a similar turmoil.

"Your wolf is uneasy too, isn't it?" I finally said, breaking the stifling silence.

Clay nodded, his jaw clenched. "Can't blame him, considering."

"I know," I sighed, feeling like an iron band was constricting around my chest. "But she needs this, Clay. She needs her freedom, her space."

"Yeah," he said softly, almost wistfully. "Doesn't make it easy, though."

We tried to work. We really did. But every document I looked at, every email I tried to compose, the words swam in front of my eyes, transforming into a jumbled mess that made no sense. My thoughts drifted back to Lexi, to the way her eyes twinkled w
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