
Chapter 7

It was after 8 A.M when I finally reached the corner of the local hospital where Emma A.K.A Sunshine Works, I stayed hidden behind a concrete wall that separated me from the parking lot - my lips pulled into a small smile as my eyes found what they have been searching for - They found Emma- she quietly exited the large rotating Doors that led in and out of the main lobby - She was too focused looking down at her cellphone that she didn’t even notice me standing just an arm’s reach a way of touching the bottom strands of her Chestnut brown hair with my fingertips. I’m glad she didn’t notice me- if she only knew that I was so close- It would destroy her to know that I was right here. watching. like I’ve always done - To her I might as well be a shadow, A ghost from her past that needs to stay buried there.

“We shouldn’t have come here”- Gazer the wolf said in the back of Boris’s head.

 “I know Gazer, but I needed to see her, I miss her and I know you miss her as w

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