
Chapter 9


I walked toward the empty shack riddled with the odors of Enora. I never cared for the goddess of war. Her ugly face reflected the image of her soul-if she indeed ever had one. She enjoyed tormenting and disposing of her werewolf experiments whom she tried to transform into perfect weapons to destroy me. My anger towards her death was only because I knew the one that ended her may actually be a threat or perhaps she had grown careless. 

I noticed a tiny shed connected to the shack with straw and a small cluster of rags used as a pillow, I assumed. There was a long black single hair laid upon them. I picked it up and held the strand between my fingers. A smile grazed my face. “Here wolfy wolfy wolfy” I taunted. With this single strand of hair I could track her in no time.

I found myself standing on a hill glaring down at a field as a deranged black haired woman screamed at the sky. Begging mercilessly to the heavens to end her life. Easy enough, I thought. I lifted my hand as a hundred serpents slithered towards this tormented creature. Hissing with enough poison to kill half the world. I bent to one knee and grabbed the dirt between my fingers while watching this quick end to another tragedy. One of the serpents had almost reached her ankle to strike when my chest tensed and I rose my hand immediately to stop the ambush. As her perfect voice sang Ave Maria in the shadow of the moonlight I was struck to the core. With each word she haunted me. The emotion and honesty behind her ancient, eerie sounding voice began to awaken something in me. It was like the birth of the beginning of time, with the tireless battle of in between, followed by the grace and mercy of the inevitable end. With a blink of my eye at her grand finish, the serpents turned to roses surrounding her feet. With a whisper from my lips, she lay sleeping peacefully on the ground and I, Lucifer, ruler of the damned, and punisher of the wicked, began to weep.

 With a snap of my fingers, she lay resting in my chambers as I watched this perplexingly beautiful woman sleeping in my bed. Not knowing what to expect and taking extra precautions, I bind her wrist with silver chains. As I stand watching her in what is now MY unraveled state, she slowly begins to stir. 

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