
Chapter 12

Cassandra’s POV

I take the seat Ray offers because my legs are suddenly shaking, “Hunters, shit I almost got caught by Hunters.”

“Amongst other things,” Ray says and I am about to snap at him when I see his face, he is not wearing a cocky smirk but looks quite pissed.

“You are a rogue too, aren’t you?” I ask him and he turns to me, “It makes sense, that’s why you haven’t asked me about my pack.”

“Ray the rogue, maybe I should have introduced myself like that,” Ray strokes his chin and smirks.

“You can’t stay here anymore Cassandra,” he tells me, “They are going to come back, you have no idea the terrible things they do to the rogues they capture.”

I look down at my hands, “What am I supposed to do then, this is all I’ve known for two years.”

“Come with me,” he says and I look up at him in surprise, “I have a sort of safe place for rogues.”

I scrunch my brows in confusion, “Isn’t that illegal, they would think you are raising an army of rogues. That is even worse than being captured al
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