
Sixty-Three: Meeting Dan and his girl


All that Jay said to me left me perplexed. Is it really true or did he said all that to make me feel terrible and jealous? No... Jay doesn't Joke around with serious stuffs like that.

I really did bad, really bad. Jay who hardly gets angry was really angry with me today. But I still want to hear Dan say it. I know it's stupid of me but I still want to clear my curiosity even though I know deep down all Jay said is true. I still want to confirm. Dan may not even look at me but I'll try, I have to see him.

I've really missed him and how he pampered me then. Dan was the kindest, most caring and most loving of all the guys I've ever been with, including Xavier. But I've hurt him terribly and showing my face to him now, only God knows what he'll do to me. He warned me on that day never to come back to him if I leave and I stupidly still left, after lying to his face that I never loved him for four straight years plus, after telling him I dated him for fame. I said that then b

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