
57. Characterless girl

Grace sat there with a thud. She wanted to push this guy outside before her family shatters but the paper he showed made her shut her mouth completely.

"You can't stop me from seeing Clara" Noah yelled as he touched Clara's hands.

"What was in the paper?" Elena asked in her trembling voice. Clara looked at the acting level of the old lady. If she didn't know about her, even she would have fallen for the lies she is staging here.

"It was abortion paper" Noah replied and everyone turned to see Alex who read the content with no expressions.

Clara now was fully exhausted and she is blank. She looked around everyone and knew that whatever she tried to tell them, they wouldn't believe her. Disobeying Elena costs her way too much today. It's not just about leaving the Fernandez family, but the name she got now. A characterless girl. Clara closed her eyes as tears rolled down fluently. Will she ever be able to get the same respect from these people?

"We were not mature enough to take respon
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