
Loving Cousin

When I'd dressed, I put our laundry in the wash and found my cup of coffee near my spot on the couch. He wore jeans and an Old Dominion sweat-shirt, but was still barefoot. I sipped my coffee and looked at him over the rim. He was so handsome. One hand was holding his head up and the other held his tablet. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture before he could move.

"I heard that."

"So, you're gorgeous. I wanted a picture of you sitting that way."

"Shoot away, my dear," he said then made a silly face for the camera while I took another.

"Do you want to go to the mall?"

"What time is it?"

"One o'clock. Let me finish my coffee and we'll go get something to eat, my treat!"

"Sounds good to me," he said, sitting up and stretching. "I'd better get my shoes and coat on, then."

We took John's car and he held my hand after we got out of the neighborhood. Before, when I'd had boyfriends, I was always so nervous about affectionate displays. Some had been too clingy, others so distant I didn't
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