
053: "Touch Me Again, And We Will Be Attending Your Funeral Sooner."


When I left the balcony, I didn't seek Enzo nor go to the dinner table. I went directly to Khione's room.

I strode into the bedroom; I found her beside her window, looking out while taking a whiff of her cigar penned between her fingers. I went to stand next to her.

"Sienna is here," I began.

She turned to face me, her green eyes not hiding the surprise in them. "Sienna?" she inquired. "How can you be certain she is here when you have never seen her before?"

"I saw her photo in Enzo's flat before. And Rue said it's her,”

Khione snorted. “Rue is stuffed with crap. She might be attempting to snag you by the shirt. She has the ability to make people act their worst.” She exhaled once more into her cigar.

I sighed, almost reaching out to grab the cigar from her finger to take a drag. "I would like to know what happened between them; Enzo and Sienna. Why is she such a touchy subject?"

“It’s a sensitive topic indeed.” She extinguished the cigar and threw it out t
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