
Chapter 44: A Deeper Game.

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Michael's POV

'Pathetic little fool,' my wolf growled as I marched out of Ella's room.

I had managed to calm her and she fell asleep in my arms. Hopefully, when she woke up, she would erase every doubt she had about me and we would go forward with the mating as planned.

I have worked too hard for anyone to mess this up for me at this point.

My hands clenched and unclenched as I marched down the corridor and headed to Selena's room. She had a lot of explaining to do.

I would not sit still and watch her mess up all of my hard work for me. I had to talk some sense into her.

As if her door knew that I was coming, it burst open as soon as I got a couple of feet close to it and Willow stepped out with the sound of their laughter echoing in the air.

As she saw me, she stopped and Selena popped her head out too. Her face twisted into a grin and she joined her hands together like someone warming up against the cold.

"Hello, handsome," she whispered and then winked at me before she resumed walking to her room.

I glared at her, my eyes about ready to strip her naked and squeeze the living daylight out of her.

If I was being clear here, she was definitely the brain behind all of these problems. I had already gotten a perfect opportunity with Ella and she came and ruined everything.

I wished I had more time to pull her back and speak my mind to her face. Where the hell did she even come from?

I remember her from school. She had graduated a couple of years back with a lot of controversies. The moment I saw her step out of Selena's vehicle, I knew that there was going to be trouble.

But the main problem at this point was Selena and not Willow. I would deal with Willow when the time comes. For now, I had Selena to worry about.

So I peeled my eyes off her and turned to Selena's waiting orbs.

"What game are you playing here?" I growled at her.

She raised her brows as if I had just asked the dumbest thing in the entire realm.

My wolf twisted with irritation at her reaction but I controlled my emotions. Dealing with Selena, required a lot of patience and a very firm claw.

"I am asking you a fucking question, Selena! Do not let me touch you before you give me an answer!" I warned, taking a menacing step towards her.

Her stare faltered and a smirk grew on her face —my threat did nothing to whatever madness was going on in her head— she pushed the door open and motioned for me to step in.

"Come on in Michael, quit barking like a tiny little pup," she chuckled and turned away from the door.

I felt another irritating wave crawl over my skin and my claws emerged out of my skin as I glared at the ghost of her shadow at the door.

Swallowing my pride, I pushed my anger to the side and stepped into the room after her.

"What is this news I am hearing about you, mating with Ella? How did you even become responsible for her pregnancy?" Selena asked as she walked to her large circular pink bed. 

"We both know you didn't fuck her. She got pregnant from her prostitution long before she got here.... "

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her left arm and pulled her back towards me. Our bodies came in contact and my eyes fixed on hers.

"Selena... You need to have understood me by now. We both have the same ambitions to be great. How am I going to do that if your supposed father has started favoring Ella?"

She stretched her fingers out of my hold and brought them to my face.

"You ignorant bastard... do you really think Andrew would give all the kingdom away to Ella?" She whispered as her fingers traced the contours of my face.

My wolf growled, giving in to her teases but I shook my head and pulled my control as a barrier between us.

I took hold of her fingers and stopped them from distracting me.

"Selena, he is swaying. Have you seen the way he looks at Ella? Heck, he has been looking at her in that same manner since the day I brought her here..."

Selena's eyes stopped moving and a frown sat on her forehead.

"I am his daughter. He will definitely hand over the entire Crystal Kingdom in my waiting hands... What has gotten into you? Huh?"

"You say so, but I think he would still hand over some part of it to Ella. Do you know what he fucking said about the mating ceremony?"

Selena finally began to understand what I was getting at. She took a step away from me and pulled her fingernails to her lips.

"What did he say?" She asked.

"He said he would give her, whatever she demanded. Now, we can milk everything from this man through this girl..."

Her eyes narrowed and she stopped biting her fingers.

"We don't need to milk anything from her, Michael. That girl is a whore. She won't let you go. Why would you even think of mating with her without discussing it with me? Were you trying to play me here?"

I rolled my eyes once again and pulled her closer. "Do I look like I can love someone else besides you?"

My hands tightened around her and my eyes hovered on her lips. They were looking so inviting, that I felt my erection throb.

"Then why did you admit to being responsible for her? Why didn't you let David send her away or something?" She whispered.

"I had to do something to keep her around. Have you heard the saying, keep your friends close and your enemies even closer?"

Komen (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jahni Jones
I knew Michael was too good to be true. Ella's mate is who will love her. Ryker needs to break the curse that Willow has over him.
goodnovel comment avatar
Candle Jane
So disappointed on you Michael, another villain. I wish Ella gets more strong, suspicious of everyone. She should say the truth to the Alpha. In the end Ryker will be her savior. I should have Alpha Andrew pov. Probably the Beta is vile too.
goodnovel comment avatar
Oro Theresa Yakubu
Ella is acting really foolish what's wrong with her?

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