
22- how i met him

Mirabel's Pov.

I decided to go see the man they called my husband at his ward while Nate followed me alongside.

" how did I meet him" "was he my best friend? Does my mom know I felt married to him or I eloped with him" At this point, ľ'm just randomly guessing.

How can I remember someone if I don't know them? "Is he your best friend" Jackson put on a quizzical face.

"Again, technically, yeah but I don't know about you either" he mumbled. What does that even mean

"Okay, let's put her aside for now. Do you recognize him?" he asked me.

"Nope ,. Where would I know him from? Do you think he knows me ?"" I inquired.

"Let's go back through some basics. What's his name? Do you know?" he said. I looked back at the man on the hospital bed and iwent back through my memories. Nothing. Suddenly, a new one appeared-or,reappeared.

One that I knew I met him at the restaurant with my cousin who dares me to do something foolish and it ended terribly.

"Let's go to back to my room ." I told him and head
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