

A throat clearing interrupted the steamy kiss between the two new couples. Vera pulled away immediately, creating distance between the two of them while daring not look her mother in the eye. She couldn't believe she was so careless to allow a man to kiss her in her mother's house.

Joahkim was no better, but rather than embarrassment, he was scared. scared that he might have landed Vera in trouble after seeing the furious look on the lady's face.

" What's the meaning of this Young lady?" Mrs Stella's furious voice jolted Vera from her seat.

Nobody said anything, the two had their heads bowed down.

Mrs Stella who saw this smiled Inwardly. They were so adorable when flustered. She would enjoy teasing them for a while.

" Am talking to you young Lady. What the hell is the meaning of this?" This time, her voice was Stern and high.

" I- I .." Vera cursed Inwardly. She didn't seem to find any words to save herself from the disaster she plunged herself in.

" Cat got your tongue?" Mrs Stella m
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