
Chapter 90


I woke up and then the memories of what happened last night came into my head. I felt so bad because of what happened. It was so bad and then again I should have thought of the fact that I had a fiance but I just had to let impulses run over me and now I was already having feelings for Sean again. It's not like I wasn't feeling anything for him before but I tried to get rid of it and just when I thought I was getting over him he just had to be so nice to me and then my heart couldn't help but just feel it again and then all of those feelings just came rushing back without me knowing it.

I decided to take my bath and just shrug off any thought about Sean. I just got into a new relationship and the last thing I would want to do right now is to ruin it, Johnny was actually a good guy and he likes me with all sincerity, I would be such a horrible person if I decided to break his heart when the guy has done nothing but be nice to me along.

I went downstairs and saw everyone already at
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