


~New Jersey~

The following morning, Marianne got to her place of work looking real tired. She felt too lazy to cook herself breakfast today and would rather just find something to eat.

Getting out of her office, she took a glance back at John's office right next to hers but since he wasn't in there, that might possibly means he's yet to arrive.

"A cup of latte, alongside a cheesecake and one pepperoni pizza."she stated her order to the lady behind the counter.

She smiled and nodded, turning off to a certain corner that could be presumed as the kitchen.

After getting her order which was served on a tray, she went to take a seat with a delightful face.

"Yummy."she cooed, stylishly picking up the cutleries. Almost taking the forkful in, she almost choked on sighting Tiana.

What's she doing here? Had Xander told her that she was here??

Without waiting, she quickly dropped the fork in her hand aside by the dishes and scurried back into her office.

She placed the tray onto her desk
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