

I found myself enveloped in an escalating whirlwind of sensations as Marius continued his meticulous yet intense movements. His rhythm remained consistent, but there was an undeniable gravity to each touch, each thrust as if he had tapped into some hidden reservoir of passion and desire that sent shivers down my spine.

Marius’ careful precision contrasted with the overwhelming surge of pleasure building within me. It was a delicate balance between control and surrender, his actions weaving a tapestry of ecstasy that seemed to transcend the physical realm.

With each pull and push, Marius seemed to navigate the depths of my femininity with an almost supernatural intuition. It was as if he could read my body like a map, exploring every contour, every sensitive spot, and eliciting responses that bordered on the edge of blissful madness.

“What do you think?” His voice cut through the haze of pleasure, drawing me back to the present moment. His question, though simple, held layers of mea
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