

“You say what?!”. Conner questioned his respond in rage. He snatched the papers from his hands and read through. It was obvious that the signatures are fake, this isn’t his mother’s signatures but Ethan’s. His eyes popped out in anger, it redden as he clench his teeth. He tore the paper’s apart and threw it.

He was confused and angry at the same time. He doesn’t knows who to blame, Ethan or Lina. He gave her the documents paper for his father’s property so she could get he’s mother’s signatures on it but it turns out to be that of Ethan. He knew Ethan must be behind or this but what if…

He screamed and it made Simon step back to avoid been hit by his angry boss. The employee were scared, their body began trembling. This isn’t good.

Conner stormed to the receptionist table and from there, he began destroying anything he laid his hands on. Some of the employee ran out of the office some were horrified and gasped unexpectedly.

“How could be so ignorant Simon, I gave you a simple job
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