

Edgar smiled slightly at Celine's words. “Business and politics are actually dirty, Loissa. ”He heard the annoyed grunts and looks of displeasure as she called Loissa's name. But Edgar didn't care, he assumed that what he saw now was a half-sulked protest from his granddaughter.

“But you're involved in politics, Mr. Edgar. I haven't forgotten who you are,” chided Celine in a sardonic tone.

“You're right.” Edgar laughed. “Anyone knows who Edgar Langham is.”

Celine's eyeballs rolled in annoyance. “Continue your story, I'm still waiting for the last part.”

This remark was responded by a laugh from Edgar. “Don't you realize who you're talking to?”

At first, Celine's eyes had returned to studying the file given by Edgar. But hearing the question just now made Celine raise her gaze and stare intently at the figure of her interlocutor. “The former President of Centralia,”

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